Sessioner & GruppSessioner



Spiritual Scanning Sessions

I am entering your field and observing where the next step on your journey may be, where healing is needed or where someone’s talent or skill is within this world and a suggestion as to how to best use it. This happens naturally as I connect to someone psychically – and whatever comes through is a sign to me that it is of highest relevance for me to see at this time. Depending on what you feel is the best, we are able to do this session either remotely (without being in each others physical presence), online (via ex. Zoom) or in person (in Västerås, Sweden.)

This process is only possible through a specific spiritual skill to enter and connect to someone’s spiritual or emotional field. I am humbled to see what helps and gives the best movement forward for a person who is helped by this specific technique.

As you book a session, please state your preferred session type (Remotely, Online, or In Person) and we will book a date that works for both you and me. 

I will write you a report when we are finished and share the results of the process! I am honored and humbled to work with You.

Time: 1h

Price: 500kr

100% Money-Back Guarantee – If you are not satisfied with the results, I will give you a complete refund and you have nothing to lose! 

Energy Work Sessions

I am entering your field and observing where positive energy can be focused for the highest benefit of you as a person within your current life. No energy will be transmitted and channeled for you unless there is a natural “openness” and “agreement” to do so. This energy is pure and positive universal energy that can only be positive, supportive, and loving!

Positive energy that is transmitted into someone’s field begins to attract positive and desired things in life.

This session happens either remotely (without being in each others physical presence), online (via ex. Zoom) or in person (in Västerås, Sweden.)

As you book a session, please state your preferred session type (Remotely, Online, or In Person) and we will book a date that works for both you and me. 

I will write you a report when we are finished and share the results of the process.

Time: 1h

Price: 300kr

100% Money-Back Guarantee – If you are not satisfied with the results, I will give you a complete refund and you have nothing to lose! 


Tarot/Oracle Sessions

According to one of your personal questions or your energy in general, I use a series of Tarot & Oracle Cards as a tool to provide insight & guidance.

This session happens remotely – and all that is needed is your name, your question or intention, and a recent picture of yourself. (This is because it is easier to connect to someone’s energy-frequency through connecting to someone’s picture!)

I will send you the reading and a written showcase of what came through the session with you.

Thank you!


Price: 250kr

General Guidance Sessions

A session through conversation & moving together towards a specific goal in your life or a theme of healing. We may use various techniques, set goals together or open up for emotional healing – depending on where the sessions lead us.

This session happens either online (via ex. Zoom) or in person (in Västerås, Sweden.)

Time: 1 hour 

Price: 700kr

The FIRST session I will book only for 300kr – To give you and myself an opportunity to see how we are progressing together with your experience, a test-run!


Yes/No Question-Answer

Ask a question and I use my spiritual tools to showcase a Yes or No answer, plus a channeled little sentence/message connected to your question!

Price: 70kr 







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